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Anxiety Therapy

Talk. Resolve. Heal.

We are here to help you

Has Anxiety Taken Control Of Your Life?

  • Are you constantly imagining worst-case scenarios and asking yourself, “But what if…?”
  • Do your perfectionistic tendencies cause you to get hyper-focused on one thing to the point where you get tripped up everywhere else?
  • Have your relationships suffered, and you’re not receiving the support you need to help overcome how anxious you feel?

Although to anyone looking from the outside, you appear to have it all, your inner world could feel vastly different. Rather than having everything under control, maybe you are overwhelmed with anxious thoughts and paralyzing fear. Perhaps there are legitimate stressors in your life causing you to lose sleep—such as family or work issues—or you may suffer from more free-floating anxiety that comes seemingly out of nowhere.

Anxiety Affects You Physically And Socially

The adrenaline surges caused by anxiety can take a physical toll on your body, leading to disruptions in your sleep and diet, as well as making you prone to illness or panic attacks. If you suffer from social anxiety, you might experience a nervous stomach, sweaty palms, and a rapid heartbeat.

Perhaps a lack of social connection negatively impacts your self-esteem, further triggering you to isolate yourself from others. You may feel like you don’t fit in anywhere and are not getting the support you need from friends and loved ones. Feeling alone and anxious, you might turn to substances for relief more often than you’d like to admit.

As much as you’ve tried to manage your anxiety on your own, maybe you’re at the end of your rope. You’re ready to find solutions and a new path forward where you worry less, sleep better, and feel more comfortable in social situations.

Fortunately, therapy can help you manage the symptoms of anxiety that negatively impact your well-being. With ongoing counseling, you can gain self-awareness about your anxiety and work toward discovering your authentic self.

Nearly One In Five U.S. Adults Suffer From Anxiety

Although living with anxiety can be an isolating experience, “anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issue in the United States, affecting 40 million adults—19.1 percent of the population.” Additionally, “anxiety disorders affect 31.9 percent of the adolescents between the ages of 13 to 18.” [1]

How Social Norms Contribute To Anxiety

In today’s fast-paced world, there are countless reasons why so many of us are prone to anxiety. If we were raised with the expectation to be high-achievers, we might feel under constant pressure to perform and be successful at whatever we focus on. However, in our quest for perfection, we often feel hounded by potential failure. When left unchecked, our anxiety stems from not being enough or equating our self-worth solely with our achievements.

For many of us, image is everything. But even though our outward façade implies we have it all figured out, we are plagued by second-guessing and self-doubt. However, rather than share our insecurities with others, we might believe being vulnerable is a sign of weakness. We may try to ignore our issues until they come roaring to the surface or find unhealthy ways to deal with crippling anxiety, such as self-medicating.

If you aren’t comfortable expressing your emotions openly and showing vulnerability, you’re not alone. Many of us aren’t. But in therapy, the way to relieve anxiety is to tap into the emotions you’ve been reluctant to access. With the help of a supportive counselor, not only can you work through your anxiety, but you can also reveal who your authentic self is


Anxiety Therapy Can Be A Journey Of Self-Discovery

When intrusive thoughts become your constant companion, you may feel like you’ve lost control. As therapists who specialize in treating anxiety, we believe you are the utmost expert in your life—the answers to many of your problems lie within you. We aim to establish a collaborative and trusting relationship built on mutual respect and create an environment where you will feel safe, supported, heard, and understood. Our role is to come alongside you to clear away any obstacles preventing you from real growth and change.

At Ammirati Counseling, we seek to empower you with a sense of agency and help you realize that you—and not your anxiety—are in charge. We will help normalize the problems you’re dealing with and teach you effective techniques for managing anxiety.

What To Expect In Sessions

Initially, we like to identify your most problematic symptoms so we can provide you immediate relief through teaching effective coping techniques. If you are critical of your imperfections, we will focus on fostering self-compassion. And learning about your family history can help you you understand if your anxiety has some relationship to your family or past situations. Afterwards, we will move towards interventions that provide long-term shifts in how you think about yourself and your place in the world. 


We Take A Multi-Faceted Approach To Anxiety Counseling

Our clinicians utilize a variety of modalities for treating anxiety that may incorporate:

  • Psychoeducation—learning about the physiological aspects of anxiety and how it affects the nervous system will help you better understand your triggers as well as how to defuse stress reactions;
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)—challenging the negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to anxiety allows you to discern between facts and feelings and refute thoughts that aren’t rational;
  • Internal Family Systems (IFS)—helping you learn that your anxiety does not define you —it is only one part of you that serves a purpose. Learning to understand and manage that part effectively empowers you to better manage your life;
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for anxiety—mindfulness-based psychotherapy that helps you stay focused on the present moment and accept thoughts and feelings without judgment or criticism. ACT aims to help you move forward through difficult emotions so you can put your energy into healing instead of dwelling on the negative;
  • Mindfulness—rather than dwell on the past or worry about the future, grounding and deep breathing exercises will help keep you centered in the present moment where anxiety is less likely to exist;
  • Self-care practices—ensuring a healthy diet and good sleep hygiene will support your therapeutic journey and set a strong foundation for deeper self-exploration.

Anxiety that’s in check helps keep you productive and safe. By learning the proper tools and techniques in therapy, you can effectively manage your anxiety so you won’t feel out of control. And although exploring the underlying reasons you experience anxiety may cause momentary discomfort, the rewards of this exploration are well worth the journey.

But Maybe You’re Not Sure If Anxiety Therapy Is Right For You…

How can counseling help me manage my anxiety when there’s so much going on in my life to worry about?

There’s a physiological reason you feel anxious. As humans, we’re wired to experience anxiety whenever we feel threatened. It is an integral part of our survival instinct designed to protect us from potential danger. Although worrying about stressful things is normal, when it interferes with your well-being, you allow anxiety to control you. Anxiety disorder treatment can help you manage your symptoms so they are no longer in charge. Whether you suffer from Social Anxiety, perfectionism, or Generalized Anxiety, therapy can help improve the quality of your life.

Once I’m matched with a counselor, how long does anxiety therapy usually take?

Our philosophy is to build a solid and trusting long-term relationship with you to help you discover your authentic self. Rather than present quick fixes that don’t address the underlying issue, we want to support you in making positive lifestyle changes that stick. Partnering with a therapist who offers a safe place to explore the underlying reasons you suffer from anxiety will help you find answers to your problems without being told what to do.

I’m successful—shouldn’t I be able to overcome anxiety without needing counseling?

If you are someone who has achieved success throughout your life, you may think you should be able to conquer anxiety without needing therapy. To admit you’re suffering and could use professional help may not come easily for you. But by holding off or avoiding going  to therapy, you may simply be prolonging your distress. Building rapport with a therapist creates a safe place to direct your focus inward and discover what makes you tick. In anxiety treatment, you will learn it’s okay to show vulnerability—in fact, it’s a strength.

How long will therapy for anxiety take?

While many of our clients start to notice positive after the first few sessions, the amount of time it takes for you to feel better and reach your personal therapy goals will depend on your situation and needs. And the amount of time you spend working with us is entirely up to you.

I feel like I should be able to handle this on my own. How did I get to this point? Why do I need therapy?

Anxiety can be difficult to manage on your own, no matter how successful you have been in your life or how many solutions you have tried. Even when you have trusted friends, family, or mentors to turn to, they often lack the professional experience and unbiased approach you need to truly thrive. And it can be hard to open up to loved ones about personal challenges, especially if you find yourself often in the “caretaking” role and putting others before yourself. A skilled therapist who specializes in working with individuals who struggle with anxiety gives you the practical guidance, compassionate support, and concrete resources you need to get grounded and centered.

Do I need to take medication when I’m in therapy?

While it’s true that medication may be beneficial in some instances, that is not our focus during treatment. In many cases, therapy can be as effective or more effective than medication alone, serving as a natural remedy for anxiety. The decision to take medication or not is one to be made between you and your doctor, and we can continue to work with you if you are on medication. We may or may not recommend a course of medication, but it is not a focus of treatment goals. It is a decision to be made in conjunction with a doctor and your therapist over the course of your individual therapy.

Do I have to attend therapy sessions in person?

Depending on your situation—your geographic location, work style, or schedule—you may not be able to attend sessions in person. Thankfully, the therapists at Ammirati Counseling offer online therapy, or teletherapy, as an effective alternative. Teletherapy provides a form of direct contact that is as effective in treating anxiety as in-person sessions. So you’re getting the same benefits and person-to-person contact from the comfort of your own home.

Take Back Your Life

Pursue activities, hobbies, situations and relationships that you’ve always wanted but avoided due to anxiety.

Understand Yourself

Cover underlying causes of your worries and fears, and break self-destructive habits.

Regain Confidence

Regain your lost confidence, as well as improve your attention and focus.

Troubleshoot Complex Thoughts

Learn how to handle complex thoughts and feelings effectively and strategically.